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Hey everyone! 

I am Alba Smoothcloud, also known as Cloudy, I'm the owner of Metal Sisters, I am usually quite outgoing and get along with everyone from the team. Before Metal Sisters became a team is was a club, all my club members are very close to me 'till this day, I am so grateful to have met such amazing people <3. Most of my club members are in the team, so this makes it even more fun!!

I cannot wait to meet you all and show you what I got in store.

  • Instagram - Círculo Blanco

Hello, I’m Lauren Steelcrest otherwise know as Lorna and I’m a club leader in Metal Sisters. I love doing dressage and messing around with my friends in game. When I’m alone, I love to run around on my horses and take loads of pictures. In real life, I’m also a big fan of photography and other games like Genshin Impact, Minecraft and lots of other stuff. My favourite thing about the club is how much fun I have during events. Even when we’re doing serious work someone finds a way to make it silly. People are what I value most in clubs and metal sisters has a lot of good people.

  • Instagram - Círculo Blanco

Hey! I am Amira Oakrider, usually known as Oaky! I'm normally the one who instructs and creates the routines with in the team. I am in the club Thunder Rush and have been for a year in February. I decided to join Metal Sisters as I have known Alba (Cloudy) for a long time now and never got the chance to check out her style of teaching so when I found out MS was turning into a team I figured it was the prefect chance! And I haven't regretted it since<3 In real life I ride two horses, Mac and Larry who I like to talk about when I get the chance. I am half Polish and half Arabic but I have a down south England accent which I think is pretty clear to notice if you get to hear me on voice call! I don't want this to become to long so I'm going to end it here with a thank you for checking out the website!

  • Instagram - Círculo Blanco
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© All credits from the website go to the owner Alba Smoothcloud

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