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→ MUST FOLLOW ALL CLUB RULES: (ONCE YOU JOIN YOU MUST READ ALL OF THE RULES) if members do not respect our club rules they will be kicked out immediately. ​

ï¿« MUST BE RESPECTFUL INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE CLUB: if club members are being disrespectful towards anyone in and outside the club we will take action and will be banned from the club. 

ï¿« MUST NOT SWEAR OR USE STRONG LANGUAGE: this is because we still have an age range and we do not need anyone being rude or using language that can be avoided. So do not over-swear, you could always just swear one time but do not over do it.
→ MUST COME TO AT LEAST 3 EVENTS A WEEK: this is because we don't want anyone being left behind during event and want everyone to be active on the app. ​

​→ WHEN APPLYING TO OUR CLUB YOU MUST NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER CLUB: this is because if someone applies to different clubs then it's a waste of time to go through applications, so please be honest and answer everything truthfully. 

the rest of the rules will be in the discord server and also in the club rules so please be respectful of that.

© All credits from the website go to the owner Alba Smoothcloud

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